Human Rights Lawyer- Savior of Fundamental Rights of Individuals
“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened”- Rightly said by John F Kennedy.
The human rights law takes the primary objective of defending and enforcing the laws particularly designed for the protection of fundamental human rights of all individuals, without any distinction. The field plays a pivotal role in social change and policy formulation and the human rights law practitioners showcase their complete commitment towards the conception of the human rights law. Many influential human rights bodies are international and make sure that no crime against humanity goes unnoticed.
A gist of Human Rights Law:
The human rights law is distinct, complicated, and diverse and evolves on a continuous basis in both theory and its application. However, there is a difference between the works which are based on the direct human rights approach and the works which are considered to be based on the improvised standards of human rights. Human rights law is a way for a tangible improvement in the lives of those individuals whose rights have been infringed upon or violated. Specific issues such as child labour, sexual slavery, ethnic discrimination or war crimes, are all dealt with utmost care under human rights law.
There are no second thoughts that nurturing good governance is essential for ensuring the much-needed respect for human rights.MrGrégory THUAN DIT DIEUDONNÉ, an international human rights lawyer, and solicitor of renowned legal firm Avocat International maintains that“recognition of the inherent dignity and inalienable and equal rights of all the individuals of human family forms the foundation of freedom, peace and justice in the world.”
An Introduction to Human Rights Lawyer:
The human rights lawyers work for providing legal counsel to the victims who have faced human rights violations. These lawyers impart the duty of protecting the fundamental rights of the masses. The most rewarding aspect of being a human rights lawyer is that it gives the lawyers a sense that they have returned the inalienable and fundamental rights of specific human beings. The presence of skills such as eloquent communication skills, critical thinking skills, great analytical skills, effective argument skills and strong reasoning skills are some of the skills that make human rights lawyers what they are.
The Role of the Human Rights Lawyer:

Given the diverse range of areas that human rights lawyers cater to, the role of human right lawyers and their responsibilities vary greatly. In order to furnish their duties, the human rights lawyers are often seen collaborating with legal experts, assistants, and paralegals who help in research as well as administrative work. They often delegate the task to the legal team and then track the progress in order to ensure that the clients have an ongoing access to the legal advice and all deadlines are fully met.
Let’s briefly discuss some of the roles and responsibilities effectively essayed by the human rights lawyers:
Client Representation in Court:
Human rights lawyers are entrusted with duties that are related to the representation of clients in the court of law and presenting legal arguments in front of the judge. As civil rights lawyers, they defend the fundamental rights of the individuals. In this role, they deal with international concerns that impact the fundamental right of the individuals. For instance, the right of migrant workers, refugees, and ethnic and racial minorities. These lawyers also work towards addressing the particular issues which might have arisen due to some international conflict.However, there are set of human rights lawyers who focus on domestic issues that involve local and federal laws.
In the role of the human rights lawyer, the individual is required to interview the client in order to gain an understanding of the entire matter and the extent of violations being inflicted upon him/her. By interviewing the victims, the lawyer gathers the necessary information that is required for advocating the case in front of the judge.
The responsibilities of the human rights lawyer also involve the work related to documentation of the legal contracts and other court proceedings. The lawyers who are working with or are associated with corporate offices, legal firms or NPOs are required to spend considerable time in research and documentation activities.
The task of investigating the case also lies on the shoulders of human rights lawyers. They are required to search for evidence of the case in order to make their case stronger. As a lawyers who is required to defend the client on sensitive matters, a thorough investigation saves the lawyer from defending the wrong individual. They also investigate in order to ensure that the facts that are presented in the court of law are accurate and apt.
The Human rights solicitors work towards the realization of the ratified allowances which are people-centered and are afforded by the legislation. Practising human rights law is a fulfilling yet challenging legal profession. These lawyers seek to update the extant policies for the purpose of ensuring enjoyment of equal possibilities by one and all.